
Start Up Swedish Limited Company (Aktiebolag/AB)


Do you want to do business in Sweden? Start up one of the most popular company types in Sweden that is a Swedish Limited Liability Company, in Swedish called Aktiebolag or AB.

Start up your very own Swedish Limited Company with a minimum starting capital of just 25 000 SEK.

Our Start-Up package includes:
– Brand new Swedish Limited Company without prior history
– Help with bank account opening
– Prestigious legal address in Stockholm for one year including mail scanning (Max. 25 pages/month and after the first year, it is $799 per year)
– Help with VAT-registration, F-tax and employer registration
– Note that your starting capital of 25 000 SEK is not included in the price and needs to be paid in immediately
– Government fees

Minimum requirements for a Swedish Limited Liability Company:
– Three board board members or at least one board member of the management board (Styrelsesuppleant) and one deputy member (Styrelseledamot).

– One-half of the board members must be residents in the EU / European Economic Area.

– In case no board member of the company is resident in Sweden, a Swedish contact person must be appointed (Which we can provide)

– The Swedish Limited Liability Company must have a local legal address where official letters can be sent. This address is visible in the Swedish Business Registry so therefore, it can be good to have a prestigious Stockholm Business Address (Which we also of course offer)

– To be able to start doing business in Sweden, you have to apply for Tax registrations such a VAT-registration, F-tax/F-skatt and in most cases, registrar as an employer even if you are just going to pay yourself a salary from you Swedish Limited Company.

– F-skatt/F-tax is something that only exists in Sweden and this is something you apply for with the Swedish Tax Agency. After the company has been approved, other companies who might want to be business with you can be sure that you are a serious company.

– Your company that is registrerad in Sweden must submit an Annual report and Annual Income Declaration. Depending on the turnover of the company, declarations has to be submitted yearly, every three months or every month.

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